This year marks the 6th anniversary of Canada’s national Organic Week. From September 19-27, schools, community groups, growers and gardeners, retailers, restaurants and many more will celebrate Organic Week with learning events and festive activities.
Did you know that the total value of the organic market has tripled since 2006? Nearly 60% of Canadians buy organic products every week and 98% said that they planned to increase or maintain their current purchases of organic food in the year to come. In Atlantic Canada, organics are growing, with almost 200 certified producers and processors, and opportunities for many more new and aspiring organic farmers and food providers to contribute to this thriving sector. Of course, organic practices are also at the heart of many backyard and community gardeners in growing their own food.
Want a refresher on what “organic” is all about? The Atlantic Canadian Organic Regional Network (ACORN) is the local partner for Organic Week activities in Atlantic Canada and is hosting three community info sessions and dialogues in Grand Pre, Truro and Halifax on “What’s organic about organic?” The sessions will explore:
- What does organic really mean?
- How to know if it’s organic?
- Who grows organic food in Nova Scotia?
- Where to find organic foods?
- Why organic matters?
Additional Local Links and Resources to stay informed and get involved!
- ACORN’s Annual Conference (November 23-25, 2015 in PEI) – for community members and farmers
- ACORN’s Grow a Farmer Initiative – apprenticeships, mentorship, training and more for new and aspiring farmers
- Canada Organic Growers
- Canada Organic Trade Association