
Oscar Pool 2010: Internet Edition

On Twitter the other day, I asked if folks would be interested in doing an Oscar pool, and got a pretty good response. After mulling about for the past few days, I’ve come up with the following terms for our little wager:

1. It’s $10.00 to participate. Winner takes all. In the case of a tie, I’ll come up with a very impartial tie-breaker.

2. You can drop $$$ off at my work (Public Archives Building at Dal), or arrange to meet up with me somewhere in Halifax/the wilds of Dartmouth. If you’re interested in sending money through Paypal, DM me and I’ll send you my address.

3. You have until the day before the Oscars to make your predictions. When you’ve made your choices, send me an email (laurieoostie at hotmail dot com) and confirm that these are your final picks. Include ALL categories, even the insane technical ones that no one cares about. On Oscar night, I’ll print all of these off and keep score. I’ll try to tweet through the night so you know who’s in the lead.

4. Winner will get the cash, internet glory, and movie buff status.

5. Choose… wisely.

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