
Over…Just Like That.

Yup, welcome to Monday people.

Started the day off right with fun “celebratory” bowl of oats! Sending love and birthday wishes out to Jaime (Nov 15th) and Farm Girl (Nov 16th) this morning 🙂


Sometimes it’s no fun being an adult, especially when it eats up those lovely 2 days of supposed rest and relaxation. HA HA right. In trying to find the septic tank we spent all Saturday afternoon moving our huge wood pile. (Subsequently, I missed celebrating Farm Girl’s 30th B-day and meeting Jaime’s FH. BOO.) Then yesterday we dropped off 2 truckloads of household stuff (that we were giving to a relative who just moved out) and ended up having to haul it up 3 flights of stairs and then all the way across to the back of the apartment building. I should’ve worn Mr. Polar, I was sweating up a storm by the time we were done.

As per the usual weekend routine, I spent Sunday afternoon in the kitchen. I knew we had a busy weekend planned so thought ahead Friday night and made a huge pot of chili that went right into the freezer.

I plan to make more of the curried cauliflower soup this week, so I made another batch of WW rolls to go with that and the chili. Mmm, they smelled amazing right out of the oven!

Plus a yummy batch of Oatmeal Banana Chocolate Chip muffins. I bought a different kind of chocolate chips – President’s Choice brand milk and white chocolate chips. SOOOO good in the muffins. Besides having chocolate, these guys have banana, whole wheat flour, oats, flax seed and all kinds of other healthy goodies. A perfect 2 point snack.

I also whipped up a POM marinade for the pork tenderloin we’re having for supper tonight. I’ve let it marinate all night and all day so hopefully it turns out well. I will post a recipe review later on.

I must confess that I have spent a large amount of WAP on ice cream this past weekend. (See tweetphoto here for all the gory details!) I’m okay with that. I still have some WAPs to work with and plan on saving those for gym days when I end up being more hungry than usual. 🙂 There, glad I got that off my chest!

Do any of you have any weekend confessions that you’d like to share?!?!!

Plans for the rest of the week include a few trips to the gymbo; Wednesday night spin class (!!!!!!!!), a run with the Halibloggers, a shopping night and hanging with the hubby. Hope you’re all having a fantastic start to the week!

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