
Overnight Parking Ban Will Continue to be Enforced Tuesday, Feb. 17

Monday, Feb. 16, 2015 (Halifax, NS) Please be advised that the municipal overnight winter parking ban will continue to be enforced from 1 a.m. to 6 a.m. on Tuesday, Feb.

17, to allow crews to continue with overnight snow removal.

That work will include pushing back and cutting down snowbanks, as well as cutting out intersections, cul-de-sacs and bus stops.

Vehicles must be off municipal streets during these hours noted above. Residents should also be aware that under section 139 of the Motor Vehicle Act, tickets can be issued and vehicles can be towed any time, day or night, that they are parked in a manner that interferes with snow clearing.

The overnight winter parking ban is in effect from now until March 31. It will be enforced only during declared snow and ice events, such as the ongoing storm.

The easiest way to be prepared when snow is coming is to sign up for CityWatch notifications of parking bans. Fill out a registration form, call 311 or email Subscribers will receive timely alerts by phone, email, and/or text message when the ban is in effect and again when it is lifted. Residents who received these notifications last winter will continue to receive the service this year. Standard text messaging rates apply.

For more information on snow clearing operations, visit

Source: Release

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