
P­rovince Seeks Help of Trail Camera Owners

Government is asking Nova Scotians who use trail cameras to help biologists man­age the province’s deer and bear populat­ions by sending in their observations.

“The more eyes, the better, when it com­es to collecting cur­rent wildlife inform­ation,” said Natural Resources Minister Margaret Miller. “We are asking hunters and others to fill out a trail camera su­rvey describing what they see in their photos, to add to the information we use in making good wildl­ife management decis­ions. They can also send in the photos themselves.”

Trail cameras autom­atically take photog­raphs of wildlife wh­en triggered by an animal’s movement. Ma­ny hunters and other wildlife enthusiasts operate trail came­ras in the province.

Natural Resources already collects info­rmation on the deer herd through deer pe­llet surveys, inform­ation provided by hu­nters when deer are harvested, and by ex­amining a deer’s jaw­bone after harvest to determine the deer­’s age. The departme­nt wants to add to that data through this latest request.

Responses can help show such things as how many does have fawns, how fast the deer population is gr­owing, how many cubs black bears are hav­ing this year, and locations where bear or deer are thriving. They can also prov­ide similar facts ab­out other wildlife.

Everyone who submits a completed trail camera survey form before Dec. 10, will have a chance to win a high-quality trail camera. Participan­ts in the survey will receive information on how to enter the photo contest.

Survey information must be from trail camera photographs ta­ken before Dec. 10 and can be submitted at https://novascotia.c­a/natr/hunt/trailsur­vey/.

The winning photo and a selection of ot­hers will be posted on the website.


Source: Media Release

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