pallet houses

Yep…that is indeed a home made out of used pallets. Did you know that there are about a gazillion (don’t quote me on that) pallets used and discarded in North America every day?
Brilliant and simple thinking from i-beamdesign created a sustainable /recycled use for them. Why not build homes in disaster stricken areas? Or for refugees? These plans are available to the public for purchase as well. To check out more about this incredible design, check out their website and videos here:

As you can imagine this can make a HUGE difference in many parts of the world.
AND, from a strictly creative perspective….you can go anywhere from this basic idea…weather proof homes, cottages, shelters…and yes, even furniture.

Here are a few more pics to prove that one man’s trash is another man’s treasure. And that sustainable building and living are indeed the best way to go on our planet!
Upcycle, recycle, reduce, reuse…go on, get creative!



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