Parenthood – Tough Love

p1 Damn, another awesome episode of Parenthood. You know what I loved about this episode? It focused on a few of the “weaker” (I mean, that’s relative – even the best storyline on a show would pale in comparison to Kristina and Adam’s storyline this season) and made them incredibly strong.

Golf claps to Erika Christensen this week, because she killed it in those emotional scenes. Julia is really doubting the adoption, but this was the first time we really saw why. Before, she was acting irrationally. Now, there were real emotions and fears behind everything she said and did. It was heartbreaking, and that scene with her and Crosby outside of the restaurant was maybe the best work she’s ever done. It felt so real. They felt like a real brother and sister, from the way he called her “buddy” to the way she broke down in tears when he said what a good mom she is. It was beautiful.

When Julia explained the adoption to Victor, you could see how much his reaction (or non-reaction, in a way) meant to her. She’s still not sure, but she wants to do it. I’m happy with this.

Dax Shepard was also fantastic this week, and the argument he had with Jasmine played out well. Jasmine didn’t back him up at all when they tried to talk to her mother, and since Renee moved in with them these little issues have been piling up. It’s nothing that would lead to divorce, but it’s enough to create some tension in their relationship as well as in Jasmine’s relationship with her mom.

The Sarah/Mark/Hank triangle continues to be the weak point of the show, so I won’t waste too many words on it. At this point, Sarah needs to just choose a guy. Or be single and be focused on her career for a while. But these notes have played too many times for it to still be interesting.

It was a little jarring to not see anything of Drew this week after last week’s monumental episode. I wanted to know how he was doing, whether he was upset about the abortion, if he’d spoken to Amy. I wish we’d seen him. That said, a return to Amber and Ryan’s relationship was very welcome, and they shared some sweet moments. I liked seeing Ryan go back to Joel and get the construction job back, although the two men look eerily similar. Like brothers. I don’t want all of Ryan’s problems to go away, but I’m open to the idea that he could be back in Amber’s life.

Kristina’s storyline was much lighter this week again, as she battled with the PTA to get Max’s school vending machine back. Albeit, with healthier snacks (and didn’t Max just want Skittles?), but I loved seeing Kristina’s passionate, political side some out to play during the meeting. And Max was adorable when he saw the new machine. It was a fun end to the episode.

Only one episode left! I mostly just care about what happens to Kristina. I’m sure the episode will be a tearjerker. What did you guys think of this week’s?

Parenthood – Tough Love


FOTD: Annabelle Royale TwistUp
