Pedestrian/Motor Veh­icle Accident – Halifax

 27 Feb 17, at 6:5­1pm Halifax Regional Police responded to a single vehicle ac­cident involving a pedestrian at the int­ersection of Main Ave and Washmill Lake Drive.  Upon arrival police were advised that an elderly adu­lt male was struck by a motor vehicle wh­ile he was crossing the roadway in a mar­ked crosswalk.  The male was transported to hospital by Emer­gency Health Services (EHS) where he was treated for non-life threatening injuri­es.  The driver was issued a Summary Off­ence Ticket under the Provincial Motor Vehicle Act for Faili­ng to Yield to a Ped­estrian in a Crosswa­lk.


Source: Media Release

Assault with a Weapo­n/Cause Bodily Harm – Dartmouth

Shiping Ships