
Pellet gun seen in student’s vehicle triggers rapid RCMP response to high school

West Hants District RCMP responded to a firearms complaint at a local High School on April 3, 2023.

Yesterday, at approximately 11:50 a.m., West Hants District RCMP received a report of four youths moving a firearm from the trunk of a car, parked at the Avon View High School, to the passenger compartment. An update was received a few minutes later that the four people had entered the school and it was unknown if they were in possession of the firearm. RCMP officers responded immediately and the school was placed on a lockdown.

Within moments of arriving at the school, an RCMP officer observed a pellet gun in inside the car in the parking lot, while other RCMP officers entered the school and began searching for the four youths. Within a few minutes, RCMP officers, with assistance from school administration, located all four youths. All four were taken to the principal’s office for continued investigation.

RCMP officers then began going classroom to classroom advising that the lockdown was being lifted and that students and staff could return to their normal routines.

All four youths were interviewed by investigators and later released without charge.

The investigation determined that no firearms had entered the school and that none of the youth had threatened the school, students or staff. The pellet gun does not meet the definition of a firearm under the Criminal Code and as a result, no charges are applicable in this circumstance.

We would like to remind the public that schools are not the place for weapons or any items that can be perceived as a threat to safety. This would equally apply to replica firearms or weapons, such as pellet guns.

The RCMP takes the safety of schools, students and staff, extremely seriously. While this incident did not result in criminal charges, our officers will continue to respond to threats and treat them as credible until the investigation determines otherwise.

Source: Release

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