
Pep talk from Nova Scotia’s Nutrition Coach

Edie Shaw-Ewald is a Registered Dietitian and Personal Trainer Specialist.

She believes in using real and natural foods to achieve the healthiest body and mind that we were meant to possess.

She will provide you with the tools, support and the plan you need to live a healthier lifestyle!

Edie will be a regular contributor to the Bedford Beacon. Here is her first pep talk:

Fitting in Fun…and Fitness

These days we don’t have to put out much physical energy to live our day-to-day lives. Cars, elevators, e-mail, remote controls and tons of other convenience tools make our lives easier… maybe a little too easy!

So in order to keep our bodies in good working order we must fit exercise into our days. Our bodies were designed to move.

I decided to write on this when I met my Aunt Helen after her skate on Wednesday. As I waited in my vehicle outside the Halifax Metro Centre in downtown Halifax, I watched streams of happy people exiting the rink carrying their skates and big smiles on their faces-people on their lunch break, retirees, young couples, and finally, my aunt, at 67. She was sparkling.

All of these people had had fun AND exercise. My Aunt told me that every Monday, Wednesday and Friday there is an Open Skate from 12:00-12:50 p.m. for $3 ($2.50 for a book of 10 skates!). What a great deal and great fun.

For many of us, the word exercise may not equate with fun. If that is true for you, I ask you to take a little time to think of what kind of physical activity would be fun for you.

What did you enjoy as a child, or during your teen years? Was it swimming, tennis, volleyball, badminton, or…skating? Chances are, you will enjoy it again!

And the fitter you are the better swimmer, tennis player, skater, etc., you will be. This may inspire you to work your body a little more during your usual exercise routines!

You can get in touch with Edie by phone at 441-6602 or by email at

For more information on Edie and all that she has to offer visit

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