My weekend began with a little life perspective from my friend Dee Brun, otherwise @CocktailDeeva. Her and her daughter were talking about perspective and then created this wonderful video. They talked about how we all need to consider do we need that latest thing, when our dollars can go so much further. Clean water makes a difference.
Then Saturday a little more perspective came my way as I sat at the Canadian Sufi Cultral Center. These 79 families have adopted an entire village of 2,000 who have been eating about one meal a day if that in landlocked Burkina Faso. By giving simply $50 a month a Canadian family here is feeding a family of 5-10 there for a month. A month. This project was featured in the Toronto Star a few Sundays ago. There is still the need to help these families so yes our dollars can matter. That coffee run that isn’t done can turn into real help for a family. If you care to give to the project and my prayer is you do you can visit
Whether is be money for water or food, there is alot you can do to help somone else out? Did you know even a donation locally to your local foodbank can go to help another family locally. How often do our kids complain about this gadget or that? about needing the latest brand? Parents what about you? For that last $500 you spent for that weekend away, you could of feed many for months.
How often do we get caught up in the materialism that makes up so much of our culture where we look for the freebie, the swag, the easy way. We need to be teaching our kids so much better. I am so thankful that my teen is getting it, and even though we don’t have alot we can give we find ways to give. Even if you do not have a dollar you can give you can still give love, time, a smile, a prayer of hope. All of those are acts of charity that we can all do no matter the perpective that we take.
Then today. I watched this song.
Did you know even today months after the floods that devasted Pakistan children are dying every single day from starvation?
Puts it into perspective doesn’t it?
There is much we COULD do here. Now what are you willing to do today? 25,000 die every day waiting for a little help.
There are many many organizations that can make great use of your money today if you can give, and if you can’t financially there are other ways you can give.
So how about using this fresh perspective to do a little good today. Help a family live. Help a family drink clean water. All it takes is a simple change in perspective and a dig into your wallet. Rachel and I have talked about it. She is giving up 25% of her allowance and I am matching her to feed a family for a month, every month. We are also looking to live lives that help us keep the persective of how blessed we really are.