
Photography e-Course

Photography e-Course
Yesterday I had to make a quick run to Truro. On my way back home I was compelled to stop and take some pictures. The last hurrahs of Autumn were calling to me. I took a little detour and then got lost in the pleasure of taking photographs.

Really, it is my passion. I lose track of time and all that exists is me and my subject. Sometimes I get so “focused” (excuse the pun) on what I am doing, I forget my surroundings and who might be around. Luckily nothing untoward has ever come of that.

Photography is probably one of the best de-stressers I can think of. At least for me:)A true escape. Of course it can be a bit of a pain for anyone with me, because I always have my camera and when a shot “presents” itself. I HAVE to snap. My family and friends are used to it now:) I am sure a lot of you feel the same way.

and….speaking of photography……( funny about that) …….

My next Sensational Snap Photography e-course starts on November 11th and runs for 6 weeks. It is a “no pressure” let’s have fun with taking pictures and try some exercises to improve our photographic eye, sort of course. You can do it alone or participate.


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