
Physical Activity Opportunities Expand in Cape Breton

Up to 30 more children from Eskasoni are getting an opportunity to play football this season as part of a provincial investment in physical activity.

“Football is a growing sport in Cape Breton, but we began to recognize that kids from neighbouring communities were being left out,” said Ajay Virick, vice-president of Football Cape Breton. “We had the volunteers and experience to expand but we really needed the financial resources to make it happen.

“This funding allowed us to bring the lessons and friendships that sport provides to more kids and communities in Cape Breton.”
The province’s regional development program is contributing $14,700 to help expand youth football for children living in Eskasoni, North Sydney, Glace Bay and New Waterford.

“Government is pleased to support the great work of community organizations and their volunteers who are committed to providing more opportunities to keep children active, especially children who have traditionally been underserved,” said MLA Pam Eyking, on behalf of Health and Wellness Minister Leo Glavine.

This is the first year of a three-year plan by Football Cape Breton that will continue to expand opportunities to play football for other ages and communities across the region.

The program is open to girls and boys, with the first year focusing on the expansion of the Myte and Atom programs working with children age 7 to 10.

The funding has been used to provide training to volunteer coaches, book facilities, keep registration fees affordable and make sure every child has the proper safety equipment.

Source: Release

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