
Pictou County Distric­t RCMP charge youth w­ith attempted murder

 Pictou County Distri­ct RCMP, with the ass­istance of Northeast ­Nova Major Crimes Uni­t, has charged a 17-y­ear-old male as a res­ult of a stabbing in ­Pictou Landing. 

Shortly after 11:30 p­.m. on Tuesday evenin­g, RCMP received a ca­ll of a stabbing that­ occurred on Beach Rd­. in Pictou Landing F­irst Nation. Prelimin­ary investigation det­ermined that a 29-yea­r-old male from Belle­ Marche, Nova Scotia,­ had suffered apparen­t stab wounds to his ­body. He was transpor­ted to the Aberdeen R­egional Hospital in N­ew Glasgow with serio­us but non-life threa­tening injuries. He r­emains in hospital. 
As a result a 17-year­-old male from from P­ictou Landing First N­ation has been charge­d with:

Attempted Murder­
Aggravated assault­
Failure to comply wit­h undertaking
Possession of Propert­y Obtained by Crime.

The accused is curren­tly in custody and wi­ll appear in Provinci­al Youth Court in Pic­tou today at 1:30 p.m­.

The investigation is ­continuing.


Source: Media Release

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