
Picture Yourself in a Boat on a River with Tangerine Trees and Marmalade Skies

<a href=”” imageanchor=”1″ style=”margin-left: auto; margin-right:

auto;”>image Mango Spring / Summer 2011 This summer pile on the tangerine, and I don’t mean the self tanner. The color tangerine, seems to be everywhere lately, in lip shades, in blushes, sandals and purses alike. 

Below is the recent issue of Vogue, featuring Kate Moss in a light tangerine dress. Kate has stirred up plenty of controversy, first inviting John Galliano to her wedding, and then wearing one of his designs. This girl is always pushing boundaries. 

Here are some suggestions for finding the right fit when you are shopping for that perfect summer dress.

Tangerine is great because, it adds a great pop of color, and the shade is quite flattering on all skin colors. If you’re not as bold to wear a full colored dress as seen here, you can always wear tangerine accessories like a purse, scarf, or even jewelry. 

Remember not to dress just for trends, but dress for your own body, and style. Confidence is your best accessory, so when you feel good you look good too. 

Dress #1: If you are looking to camouflage any trouble areas, go for this dress. The ruching should help to conceal any problem areas; just don’t go too tight with this one or you’ll look like a sausage. 

Dress #2The center dress above should be avoided if you are pear shaped, but perfect if you are boy shaped (not a lot of hip action) or needing to balance out broad shoulders.

Dress #3:  If you are curvy, go with dress number three it’ll create a great hour glass figure coming in with the empire waist. Without the added bulk of the other two, this dress should skim your hips and give you a clean line down your silhouette. 

Who wore it best? 

When accessorizing these dresses might I suggest some sea foam green earnings or necklace(s)? For inspo click here:

Happy Friday, 


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