
Pip Pip

Pip Pip
Ha,ha, the scarecrow festival in Mahone Bay is in full swing. Unfortunately I was just driving through and could not stop. However, this wedding tableau did get me out of the car! Hope you enjoy!
The happy couple.

Proud father and consort

The sexy siblings

The Royal grandparents. Phillip looking a bit rough.

The fashionable cousins ( my faves)

Don’t forget to order your 2012 Cat calendar if you want one for this year. They are shipped worldwide. To see the images for each month, click on the preview button .If you are here in Halifax, pop by the market and pre-order one from me for pickup or drop me a line.

Also…….I am running my Sensational Snapshot Society online Photography course again. Starts November 11th and runs for 6 weeks. For begin
ners who want ideas or those who are looking for new inspiration.
And for those of you who have read this far… there’s a giveaway on my FB page you have until midnight:)


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