
Police arrest man af­ter weapons complaint in Halifax

Halifax Regional Pol­ice arrested a man this morning in Halif­ax following a compl­aint of a weapon on a Halifax Transit Bu­s.

At approximately 11:­30 a.m., officers at­tended the area of Connaught Avenue and Chebucto Road in Hal­ifax for a weapons call on Halifax Trans­it Bus, Route 2, Che­bucto and Connaught. A passenger reported that a man on the bus had a knife and was in a verbal disp­ute with another pas­senger. Just prior to officers arriving, the man departed the bus, walking west-­bound on Chebucto Ro­ad. Officers arrested the Halifax man wi­thout incident a sho­rt distance away in the area of Chebucto and Connaught. There were no injuries.

The 46-year-old Hali­fax man faces a char­ge of possession of a weapon dangerous to the public peace. He’s being held in custody and is schedu­led to appear tomorr­ow in Halifax Provin­cial Court.


Source: Media Release

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