RCMP auxiliary and municipal police auxiliary members will be protected from liability through amendments to the Police Act introduced today, Oct. 3.
“We recognize the value of our volunteers and thank the more than one hundred auxiliary members in Nova Scotia,” said Justice Minister Lena Metlege Diab. “This amendment ensures our dedicated volunteers are properly protected and can continue doing important work in our communities.”
Auxiliary constables are unarmed, unpaid, uniformed volunteers who donate their time to assist police officers.
Volunteers participate in community events, support crime prevention initiatives within schools and assist police officers with their general duties.
“Auxiliary constables play an important support role for law enforcement in Nova Scotia,” said Supt. Ray Oliver, Nova Scotia RCMP. “They work closely with police to keep their communities safe so we are very pleased that this legislation will support and protect them during their duties.”
Other amendments to the Police Act include allowing for joint police advisory boards and better defining the roles of the Police Review Board and the Complaints Commissioner.
Source: Release