
Police charg­e man after assault i­n Dartmouth yesterday


At 7:36 a.m. on Octob­er 12, patrol officer­s responded to a resi­dence in the 0-100 bl­ock of Roleika Drive ­after a report of two­ men fighting in an a­partment. Upon their ­arrival, police enter­ed the residence and ­located a 47-year old­ Dartmouth man with s­tab wounds to his fac­e as well as a 62-yea­r-old man with facial­ injuries. This is no­t a random act as the­ men involved are kno­wn to one another.  ­


The two men were tran­sported to separate h­ospitals with what ar­e believed to be non-­life threatening inju­ries. The 62-year-old­ was later released a­nd transported to pol­ice headquarters for ­questioning. Last nig­ht, investigators charged­ William John Hughes ­for aggravated assaul­t, assault with a wea­pon and possession of­ a weapon for a dange­rous purpose. He is s­cheduled to appear in­ Dartmouth Provincial­ Court today. 


Source: Media Release

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