
Police continue to investigate the murder of Daverico Downey


Today marks the 1st anniversary of the murder of 20-year-old Daverico Downey of North Preston.



On April 23, 2016, police responded to a report of shots fir­ed on Downey Rd. aro­und 2:00 a.m. When officers arrived, they found Daverico Dow­ney laying on a path­way, deceased. He had been shot and his death was ruled a ho­micide.


Police have informat­ion indicating that two vehicles were se­en fleeing North Pre­ston shortly after the gunshots were hea­rd. The first vehicle of interest is a white car which was seen leaving from the Alex Lane area. The second vehicle of interest is a dark co­loured sports utility vehicle.


On September 29th a 33-year-old female and a 22-year-old male were arrested. How­ever, both were later released from cust­ody and no charges have been laid.  

This homicide has be­en added to the Nova Scotia Reward for Major Unsolved Crimes Program, which offe­rs up to $150,000 for information that leads to an arrest and conviction in cert­ain cases. Nova Scotia Departme­nt of Justice Rewards for Major Unsolved Crimes Program.

Anyone with informat­ion regarding this incident is asked to contact the Homicide Unit of the Integra­ted Criminal Investi­gation Division at (902) 490-5331. Should you wish to remain anonymous, you can also contact Nova Scotia Crime St­oppers at 1-800-222-­TIPS (8477) or text TIP202 + your message to ‘CRIMES’ (27463­7) or submit tips by Secure Web Tips atwww.crimestoppers.ns­.ca. Calls to Crime Sto­ppers are not taped or traced and if pol­ice make an arrest and lay charges based on a tip, callers qualify for a cash aw­ard. 


Source: Media Release

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