
Premier Launches Action Plan to Support the International Decade for People of African Descent

**** NS GOVERNMENT Media Release

Premier Launches Action Plan to Support the International Decade for People of African Descent
Government and the community need to work together to help address and eliminate the many challenges faced by African Nova Scotians. That is why, today, Sept. 18, government is releasing an action plan aimed at eliminating those challenges.

The plan, called Count Us In, is in response to the United Nations’ International Decade for People of African Descent 2015-2024. It is based on three pillars identified by the United Nations: recognition, justice and development.

“Today is another step forward in our commitment towards equity for African Nova Scotians”, said Premier McNeil. “The action plan promotes greater knowledge, understanding and respect while helping to eliminate the systemic barriers that still exist in our province.”

The action plan will help government departments, organizations and the community work together to help address and eliminate the many challenges faced by African Nova Scotians. It reflects work underway and creates new opportunities.

Nova Scotia is the only jurisdiction in North America to create an action plan to support the International Decade for People of African Descent.

“We must acknowledge the injustices and inequalities in every community before we can begin to create meaningful change. Translating the knowledge into action gives us the opportunity to positively change going forward.”
– Tony Ince, Minister of African Nova Scotian Affairs

Quick Facts:
— 2.4 per cent of Nova Scotians identify as African Nova Scotian
— African Nova Scotians are the largest racialized group in the province making up 37.3 per cent of Nova Scotia’s racialized population
— 71.8 per cent of African Nova Scotians have roots in Nova Scotia going back three generations or more
— in 2014, the United Nations General Assembly proclaimed 2015 – 2024 as the International Decade for People of African Descent

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