Premier Stephen McNeil is leading a delegation to Asia on Saturday, Aug. 29, to promote trade and investment opportunities for Nova Scotia businesses and institutions.
“This mission will advance our relationships in the world’s second-largest economy,” said Premier McNeil.
“Our objective is to support Nova Scotia businesses and institutions that are either active in the Asian market or want to be.
We are looking to match our strengths with opportunities in China and Japan.”
The mission, which begins in Tokyo, Japan, will visit eight Chinese cities, including Zhuhai and Hong Kong as well as Jinan and Qingdao in Shandong Province.
In 2014, China was Nova Scotia’s largest trading partner in Asia with $275 million worth of exports, an increase of 40 per cent over 2013. Nova Scotia’s exports included more than $130 million worth of lobster, crab and shrimp as well as $90 million in wood pulp.
“The One Nova Scotia report stressed the importance of rebuilding our trading economy by going global,” said the premier. “Missions like this, and the one I undertook to Asia in 2014, are critical to build the relationships necessary to make that happen.”
Source: Release