Preserving Family Memories


Are you like me and have a shoebox full of pictures?  Are they old ones? This picture is of my mother’s birthplace, the family homestead that was along the St. Lawrence seaway.

How are you preserving your family memories?

For me what is now working is sharing them online.

I went through the boxes and was able to reflect on memories but there were some pictures I had no idea who they were or the stories behind the pictures as they had been passed down from my grandparents.

I scanned the pictures then put them online. Through Facebook I have reconnected with my great aunts, and several cousins. By putting the pictures online we were able to share stories about the family and events. I now have a more complete family history because of sharing them online. I also have a back up incase anything happened and the hard copy disappeared.

I am thankful for the old pictures and the stories I have recently just be told.

So at your house what is working for you as you try and preserve family memories?


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