PRH Personal Growth Workshops:
Your growth is in your hands…
Workshop One:“Growing in Self-Confidence”
In this 3hr workshop you will:
- Look at areas of your life where you feel confident and assured, and areas where you do not.
- Identify how to become more self-assured, and live with more confidence in all areas of your life.
- Use a format which includes creative expression through drawing, as well as written analysis.
Date: Friday, Oct. 14, 2011
Time: 6:30 – 9:30 pm
Educator: John Graves
Workshop Two: “Finding the Positive Within”
This 3hr workshop will enable you to:
- Identify the qualities that you have relied on in order to manage the challenges of your life.
- Discover how and when you live these same strengths in your overall life today.
- Be challenged in “who you are” and what you can and want to do with your life.
Date: Saturday, Oct. 15, 2011 Time: 9:00am – 12:00 pm
Educator: John Graves
Workshop Three: “How to Bring Forth the Best in My Child”
The objective of this 3hr parenting workshop is to help you to:
- Gain insight into how you, as a parent or an educator, nurture and bring forth the best in your child or in children that you work with.
- Identify each child’s positive traits or qualities – what makes him or her unique.
- Look at how you as a parent or educator react to what is unique in each child.
Date: Saturday, Oct. 15, 2011
Time: 1:00pm – 4:00 pm
Educator: John Graves
Cost: One Workshop is $30.00, Two Workshops for $50.00, or Three Workshops for $65.00
Location: Prospect Rd. Community Center, 2141 Prospect Rd. in Hatchet Lake
For more information or to register: Contact Marilyn Johnson at 852-3215 or email:
Registration Deadline: Oct. 11, 2011
Each Workshop limited to 10 participants.