Prospect Road Athletic Recycling

skateReduce, Reuse, Recycle – “The Athletic Version”

Most of us have it… the garage, closet, shed, or basement full of “gently used” sports equipment. In many cases we find ourselves canvassing our neighborhood asking if they need a pair of size 6 cleats, skates, basketball shoes, etc. We also find ourselves frustrated having to replace perfectly good equipment that our children have grown out of year after year, especially after paying registration fees. Would you like to do something to decrease this frustration, get rid of the clutter and “recycle”?

If you answered ”yes” to this question you will want to participate in the first Prospect Road athletic recycling program. How does it work?

1- Check your house for clean, good quality, gently worn equipment that you no longer want. Items from the following categories are suggestions: FOOTWEAR: Running shoes, basketball, court shoes, cleats, indoor turf shoes, skates. PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT: Hockey, lacrosse, ringette, soccer shin pads, baseball gloves.

2- While your cleaning out, identify your child(ren)’s needs for similar items and mark your calendar to come and try to fulfill their athletic needs by picking up something that is “new to you.”

Drop off will be at Prospect Road Elementary School on the following dates:
– TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 29th – 6pm-8pm
–  THURSDAY, OCTOBER 1st – 6pm-8pm
Pick up “new to you” items at Prospect Road Elementary School on:
– THURSDAY, OCTOBER 6th – 6pm-8pm
Remember: Your child(ren), whether a new athlete or an experienced one, is welcome!

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