
Province Approves New Specialist Positions

Government is funding nine new specialist positions.

“By adding more specialist physicians to the health-care system, we can address needs in certain areas, improve access and reduce wait times for Nova Scotians,” said Health and Wellness Minister Randy Delorey.

Recruitment is underway, and Nova Scotia Health Authority (NSHA) and the IWK Heath Centre are working to fill six of the following positions:
— pediatric respirologist, IWK
— pediatric ophthalmologist, IWK
— pediatric immunologist, IWK (hired)
— pediatric pain specialist, IWK (hired)
— thoracic surgeon, Central Zone
— anesthetist, Central Zone (to accommodate increase in thoracic surgeries)
— critical care specialist, Central Zone
— critical care specialist, Eastern Zone
— internal medicine specialist, Northern Zone (hired)

The specialist positions were approved by the New MD Funding Committee, which receives proposals from clinical leaders across the province. The selection process considers things such as population health, geography and need. The province is investing $2.8 million annually to fund the nine positions.

“We are working to add family doctors and specialists to the health-care system to better meet Nova Scotians’ care needs,” said Dr. Mark Taylor, interim vice president, medicine, NSHA. “When it comes to additional specialists, we’re adding positions in the services and locations of highest need to provide maximum benefit for Nova Scotians.”

Last week, government also announced the addition of 15 new spaces to Dalhousie University’s specialist residency program. The new spaces will be added in specialties like critical care, emergency medicine, child and adolescent psychiatry and palliative medicine.

Source: Release

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