
Province Helps Replace Life-saving Cancer Equipment

Funding to purchase linear accelerators, devices used to give radiation treatment to cancer patients, means cancer patients will continue to receive timely radiation treatments.

“Keeping pace with technology is paramount to being able to provide the best care for patients across the province,” said Dr. Tetteh Ago, chief, department of radiation oncology in Halifax and Sydney. “I am very pleased that government is supporting the replacement of these crucial pieces of equipment in a timely manner.”

Four of the province’s nine linear accelerators will reach their required replacement date in January 2016.

“In partnership with the QEII Foundation, the Cape Breton Regional Hospital Foundation, we can make sure that Nova Scotians continue to get the cancer treatment they need, when they need it,” said Health and Wellness Minister Leo Glavine.

The total cost of installing the four machines is about $15.8 million. This includes the purchase price, renovations, and training. The new accelerators will be cost-shared 75/25 between the province and hospital foundations.

Three of the new accelerators will replace units at the Nova Scotia Cancer Centre in Halifax.

“Thanks to many generous donors, the QEII Foundation is able to partner with government to bring the most advanced technology and equipment to patient care,” said Bill Bean, president and CEO, QEII Foundation. “The funding for these three new linear accelerators is in addition to funding the foundation provided for three other linear accelerators in 2012, bringing the foundation’s total committed investment to over $6.7-million.”

The fourth accelerator will replace a unit at the Cape Breton Cancer Centre.

“The Cape Breton Regional Hospital Foundation, with the giving spirit of our community, is pleased to support the purchase of the linear accelerator,” said Brad Jacobs, CEO of the Cape Breton Regional Hospital Foundation. “This life-saving piece of equipment will have a profound impact on the way we are able to treat patients at the Cape Breton Cancer Centre.”
Annually government commits capital spending for equipment, roads, schools, buildings and other important public infrastructure. This initiative and others will be found in the 2015-16 capital plan.

Source: Release

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