
Province Issues Directive to Further Reduce Northern Pulp Emissions

The Northern Pulp mill in Pictou County has substantially reduced its emissions and work continues to bring those levels even lower.

This week, the Department of Environment issued a directive to Northern Pulp that will allow the department to closely monitor the company’s progress on meeting the emission limits outlined in its operating approval.

In January 2012, the recovery boiler at the mill exceeded its total reduced sulfur emissions limits 85 per cent of the time. Now the boiler is meeting its emission limits 85 per cent of the time.

“I want residents to know that while these results are encouraging, we recognize that there is more work to be done to improve the air quality in this area,” said Environment Minister Randy Delorey. “This latest directive will help our staff monitor progress at Northern Pulp very closely to ensure this progress continues.”

This week’s directive requires monthly reporting on total reduced sulfur emissions and detailed descriptions of the work being done on the equipment to further reduce emissions. Total reduced sulfur is a compound that causes strong odours in emissions from industrial operations including pulp and paper mills.

The first directive, issued in April 2012, required the company to install equipment in the power boiler. Another directive, issued in March 2013, required the company to have a study completed to identify ways to further reduce emissions and bring the mill into compliance with its environmental approval. The conditions in those directives have been met.

Source: Release

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