Province Not Contributing to Pictou County Governance Study

After meetings with the six municipal units in Pictou County, Service Nova Scotia and Municipal Relations Minister Mark Furey announced today, March 25, the province will not be contributing to the study on a regional governance model.

After meetings with the six municipal units in Pictou County, Service Nova Scotia and Municipal Relations Minister Mark Furey announced today, March 25, the province will not be contributing to the study on a regional governance model.

“It’s very clear there is not a consensus among the councils or even within some councils on how to move the six municipal units forward together on municipal governance change,” Mr. Furey said.

A governance study was originally proposed by the Pictou Chamber of Commerce. Government committed in 2010 to paying up to $150,000 towards it providing all six units agreed. The councils are not united on a direction.

“Let’s invest our tax dollars and resources on advancing governance change with the municipal units that may be interested in it,” said Mr. Furey.

The department will continue to work on a new governance structure with two or more municipal units where the desire and interest exists, as is the case with the Town of Springhill and the Municipality of the County of Cumberland.

Source: Release

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