Province settles $450M lawsuit, proposes new pulp mill in Nova Scotia

Via release:

The Province of Nova Scotia has reached a significant settlement agreement with Paper Excellence Group, the owner of the Northern Pulp mill in Pictou County, following a lengthy and contentious dispute.

The roots of this conflict trace back to the 2020 closure of the mill due to environmental concerns, specifically the effluent treatment at the Boat Harbour facility. This closure prompted Paper Excellence to file a $450-million lawsuit against the province, citing financial losses and other grievances.

Additionally, the company owed the province approximately $99 million in loans. The settlement, achieved through a court-ordered mediation process overseen by retired Supreme Court of Canada justice Thomas Cromwell, aims to resolve these financial and legal disputes while addressing the pensions of former mill workers and exploring new economic opportunities, including a potential new pulp mill in Queens County. This agreement still requires approval by the British Columbia Supreme Court, with a hearing set for May 31.

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