
Province Supports Accessibility Improvements to Facilities and Venues

NOTE: A list of projects follows this release.
Municipal Affairs Minister Mark Furey announced funding to improve accessibility at 23 facilities and venues in the province today, Jan. 8.

The government is investing more than $116,214 under the Community ACCESS-ability Program to make it easier for people with disabilities to access community and municipal facilities and venues.

“This program ensures Nova Scotians with disabilities have access to public buildings and spaces,” said Mr. Furey. “We are investing this money through a number of community organizations and municipalities to provide or improve universal accessibility.”

The program provides up to two-thirds of eligible costs, to a maximum contribution of $10,000. The grant covers direct and indirect costs of renovations, installations, and/or equipment, including accessible ramps, power door openers, accessible washrooms and accessible playgrounds.

The Fairview United Family Resource Centre, established in 1986, provides services to about 200 different participants each year. The centre is receiving $9,956 towards the installation of a ramp and power door at its new location at 6 Titus St., Halifax.

“The accessibility grant through Municipal Affairs is vital to our organization,” said Natalie Brown, centre executive director. “This capital grant will help us renovate our new location to ensure programs and services are available to all community members.”

Source: Release

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