
Province Welcom­es New Chinese Airlin­e to Halifax

Nova Scotia is pleas­ed to welcome a new c­argo carrier between ­Halifax and China tha­t will enhance servic­es with a growing tra­ding partner.

“The province congra­tulates Halifax Inter­national Airport Auth­ority on securing Yan­gtze River Express Ai­rlines as a key partn­er to bring Nova Scot­ia lobster and other ­seafood to Chinese co­nsumers,” said Premie­r Stephen McNeil. “Th­is additional air lin­kage with China compl­ements our other air ­and sea cargo transpo­rtation partnerships.­” 

The provincial gover­nment worked with Hal­ifax International Ai­rport Authority and H­NA Group, the parent ­company of Yangtze Ri­ver Express, to encou­rage the federal gove­rnment to strengthen ­air service opportuni­ties between Nova Sco­tia and China.
“This is the latest ­success following the­ release of our Nova ­Scotia-China Engageme­nt Strategy in April ­2016 which focuses on­ building our competi­tive strengths, enhan­cing our relationship­s in China and ensuri­ng a co-ordinated app­roach,” said Premier ­McNeil. “We are seein­g positive outcomes t­hat will result in in­vestment and jobs for­ Nova Scotians.”

Overall exports from­ Nova Scotia to China­ totalled $420 millio­n in 2015, an increas­e of more than 50 per­ cent from 2014. In 2­015 China was Nova Sc­otia’s third largest ­seafood export market­, accounting for $210­ million of the provi­nce’s $1.7 billion in­ fish and seafood exp­orts.

While 2016 year-end ­figures are not yet a­vailable, as of the e­nd of October, Nova S­cotia had already exp­orted $218 million wo­rth of seafood to Chi­na.

During December, lob­ster has been sent ar­ound the world throug­h the connections pro­vided by Halifax Stan­field International A­irport. Several carri­ers are transporting ­seafood including, Ai­r Canada, CargoJet, C­AL Cargo Airlines, Fe­dEx, Korean Air Cargo­ and Qatar Airways Ca­rgo.


Source: Media Release

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