PSA – Storm impacts on municipal services | Thursday, Feb. 13, 2 p.m.

Public Service Announcement
Storm impacts on municipal services | Thursday, Feb. 13, 2 p.m.

Thursday, Feb. 13 (Halifax, N.S.) – The Halifax Regional Municipality is providing the following updates on municipal service impacts in anticipation of today’s weather event:

Overnight winter parking ban
Residents are reminded that the overnight winter parking ban will be enforced on Friday, Feb. 14 from 1 to 6 a.m. (in both Zone 1 – Central and Zone 2 – Non-Central), to allow crews to properly clear streets and sidewalks.

Vehicles must be parked off municipal streets during the hours noted above. Regardless of the status of an overnight winter parking ban, or whether you have received a notification, vehicles can be towed, day or night, at any time of year, if they are interfering with snow-clearing operations, as per Section 139 of the Nova Scotia Motor Vehicle Act (

Halifax Transit
Halifax Transit is monitoring the forecast and assessing road conditions. For the latest updates on Halifax Transit service, follow @hfxtransit on X and visit our website (

Parks & Recreation
Many recreation facilities closed at 1 p.m. for the remainder of the day.

The Halifax Public Gardens also closed at 1 p.m. today.

For the most up-to-date information, follow @hfxrec on X or call your local recreation centre (

311 Customer Service Centres
In-person 311 Customer Service Centres (Bayer’s Road, Alderney Gate and Musquodoboit Harbour) closed at 1 p.m. Residents may contact 311 by phone (, or email (

Support for those experiencing homelessness
The Province of Nova Scotia funds the operation of emergency shelters in the municipality, which are run by various service providers:

– Halifax | 2029 North Park Street | 902-429-3984

– Halifax | Multi-Purpose Centre of the Halifax Forum | 6210 Young Street | 902-830-4818

– Halifax | St. Mary’s Boat Club | 1641 Fairfield Road | 902-830-4818

– Dartmouth | 197-199 Windmill Road | 902-333-1509

– Lower Sackville | Beacon House Shelter | 125 Metropolitan Avenue | 902-864-1584

Halifax Water PSA – Halifax Water PSA – Clearing Storm Drains, Catchbasins and Hydrants

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