Tuesday, May 19, 2015 (Halifax, NS) – The Halifax Regional Municipality wants to hear from residents about developing a plan for a regional open space network to protect our communities’ land and water resources.
Today, the municipality launched a comprehensive public engagement process to help develop the first phase of the new Halifax Green Network Plan, part of the implementation strategy for the 2014 Halifax Regional Plan.
The Halifax Green Network Plan will serve as a blueprint to assist the municipality in determining why, where and how public and privately owned open space should be protected in the Halifax region.
Halifax’s open space landscape is exceptional in its beauty and diversity, as well as its environmental, socio-cultural and economic value. Being deliberate in how we protect and use open space over the long-term is important to advancing regional planning objectives for sustainable growth and the development of more liveable, complete communities.
Protecting open space is a core value for Halifax citizens. There will be many opportunities for residents to get involved in the open space planning process, including public open houses and pop-up displays at events and facilities in communities across the region. Staff will also hold workshops to consult with stakeholder groups.
The first pop-up display will be held from 9 a.m. to noon on Saturday, May 30, at the Halifax Central Library. The first open house is from 6-9 p.m. on Monday, June 1, at Acadia Hall, 650 Sackville Dr., Lower Sackville. A complete list of public events is available online at www.halifax.ca/HalifaxGreenNetwork.
As well, there is an online interactive mapping tool and survey where residents can identify open spaces that are important to them and share information they think the municipality should consider in developing this important open space plan. Those engagement tools are online at http://engage.o2design.com/halifax/engage_map/.
Information will also be gathered and shared on the municipality’s online community engagement portal at http://shapeyourcityhalifax.ca/shape-your-city-halifax.
Over the next year, the public will continue to have opportunities to participate in the open space planning process. All the feedback gathered will be used to help shape core objectives and implement directions, all of which will be presented to Regional Council in the spring of 2016.
For more information on the Halifax Green Network Plan, please visit www.halifax.ca/HalifaxGreenNetwork.
Source: Release