
QuickPoll: Bike lanes in residential neighborhoods


HRM contacted us after our QuickPoll yesterday about a new bike lane approved for Dahila Street in Dartmouth. (A residential street)”..the Dahlia Street lane will only result in the loss of parking on one side of the street, from the block of Dahlia Street, between Beech Street and Crichton Avenue, and that the remaining on-street parking along the corridor will be minimally impacted..Also, it’s not strictly a bike lane – it’s a local street bikeway which involves traffic calming and shared lanes for bicycles and vehicles to proceed single file on Dahlia Street.”)

A community council in Dartmouth recently approved a new dedicated bike lane on Dahlia Street, a residential neighborhood in Dartmouth.

The bike lane is designed to link the Shubenacadie Canal Greenway to the Dartmouth Common. The lane will result in the loss of parking on one side of the street.

Unlike most other bike lanes in the city, the Dahlia Street lane will prevent homeowners on one side of the street from parking in front of their houses.

How do you feel about bike lane implementations like this?

[yop_poll id=”20″]

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