QuickPoll: Police officers patrolling retail stores

There has been a fair amount of controversy surrounding an increase in police presence at stores around HRM.

HRP says these officers are part of a program that allows officers to make themselves available as long as it does not draw from normal policing duties. Their services are paid for by the retailers.

The officers are in full police uniform, including firearms. Atlantic Superstore has begun using the police service at their stores, and one of our readers has also spotted an officer patrolling the Mumford Road NSLC location. The officers stand at entrances, and walk the store.

We’d like to hear from you. How do you feel about this practice? As always we welcome your comments on our Facebook page, here.

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Emergency repairs to wastewater station complete, harbor cleaner this week

PSA – Water Service & Traffic Advisory – Section of Shore Road, including Shoreview Drive and Ainsley Crescent in Eastern Passage – Water Main Repair