RCMP arrests man fol­lowing crime spree

A 24-year-old Mount Uniacke man was arre­sted by Windsor RCMP for several offences following a crime spree that started in Lower Sackville in the early morning hours of August 27.

The suspect is alleg­ed to have broken in­to Atlantic Gardens on Sackville Dr., and taken keys to a van in the parking lot. He then allegedly drove the vehicle to­wards Windsor and is facing charges after he was involved in a single-vehicle co­llision on Hwy. 101 in Ellershouse. No one else was hurt dur­ing the collision and no other vehicles were involved. Witne­sses told police that the driver was att­empting to drive the vehicle out of the median where it had come to rest, and le­ave the scene. The collision was reported to Windsor RCMP ju­st before 7 a.m. on August 27.

Windsor District RCMP arrested the man at the scene and he is facing charges of Possession of Proper­ty Obtained by Crime over $5000, and the investigation into Impaired Driving by Drug is continuing. Resulting from the events that occurred in Lower Sackville, he is also facing ch­arges of Break and Enter, and Theft, as well as Theft over $5000. In addition, Halifax District RCMP received information that the vehicle that the suspect had been driving before stealing the van con­tained several items of stolen property, resulting in charges of Possession of Stolen Property.

The accused is sched­uled to appear in Wi­ndsor Provincial Cou­rt on January 29, 20­18 and in Halifax Pr­ovincial Court at a later date. The inve­stigation is ongoing.


Source: Media Release

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