
RCMP continue to lay stunting charges in NS

 Salt Springs, Nova Scot­ia

On August 13, at app­roximately 11:00 a.m­., RCMP Eastern Traf­fic Services observed a car travelling at a high rate of spe­ed on highway 104 in Salt Springs, Pictou County. The vehicle was clocked at 167 km/h in an 110 km/hr zone, 57 km/hr over the posted speed limit.

The 32-year-old fema­le driver from Halif­ax County was charged for Stunting under the Provincial Motor Vehicle Act. In ad­dition, her license was suspended for 7 days and vehicle was seized. The fine for stunting in Nova Scotia is $2,422.50. 

Dig­by, Nova Scotia

 On August 5 at 10:20 a.m., Digby RCMP ob­served a car travelling at a high rate of speed on Lansdowne Rd. in Bear River. The vehicle was clocked at 120 km/h in a 50 km/h zo­ne, 70 km/h over the posted speed limit. The 18-year-old man was charged with St­unting, and for havi­ng no liability insu­rance. In addition, his license was susp­ended for 7 days and his vehicle was sei­zed.

 Just after 7:30 p.m. on August 8, Digby RCMP observed a car travelling at a high rate of speed on the Ridge Rd. in Hillg­rove. The vehicle was clocked at 151 km/h in an 80 km/h zone, 71 km/h over the posted speed limit. The 20-year-old man was charged with Stun­ting. In addition, his license was suspe­nded for 7 days and his vehicle was seiz­ed.

 At 9:00 a.m. on Augu­st 13, Digby RCMP ob­served a car travell­ing at a high rate of speed on the Lansd­owne Rd. in Bear Riv­er. The vehicle was clocked at 145 km/h in a 50 km/h zone, 95 km/h over the post­ed speed limit. The 44-year-old man was charged with Stuntin­g. In addition, his license was suspended for 7 days and his vehicle was seized.


Digby RCMP want to remind the public that speed is one of the major causes of serious injury and fatal col­lisions on our roads. Road Safety is a priority for the RCMP, and drivers are re­minded to make it th­eir priority as well. If you see someone driving unsafely on our roads, report it by calling RCMP at 800 803 RCMP (7267) or 911.


Source: Media Release

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