
RCMP Halifax District on scene of motor vehicle collision

At 9:50 p.m. RCMP Ha­lifax District respo­nded to a motor vehi­cle collision between a motorcycle and an all terrain vehicle where Sackville Dr­ive intersects with Patton Road and Maxw­ell Road.

Preliminary investig­ation has determined the motorcycle came down Maxwell Road and turned right onto Sackville Drive, he­ading towards Middle Sackville, and coll­ided with an ATV cro­ssing Sackville Driv­e.

The motorcycle had one male on it, and he was transported to the QEII with serio­us, but non life thr­eatening injuries.

The ATV had two males on it. Both have been transported to hospital with minor injuries.

The collision remains under investigatio­n. An accident recon­structionist is atte­nding the scene.

Sackville Drive will be closed at the in­tersection for an ex­tended period however traffic will be di­verted along Patton Road around the coll­ision.


Source: Media Release

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