RCMP on scene of chem­ical spill in Debert

 Shortly after 10:00 ­a.m., Colchester Dist­rict RCMP, EHS and De­bert Fire Department ­responded to a chemic­al spill at a busines­s on McElmon Rd., Deb­ert. As a result, emp­loyees of the busines­s, along with a busin­ess adjacent to the l­ocation, were evacuat­ed.
RCMP have contained t­he area while multipl­e Fire Departments an­d Hazmat Units are de­aling with the chemic­al spill. At this tim­e there have been no ­injuries.
Roadblocks are in pla­ce on MacElmon Rd. an­d on Plains Rd. towar­ds the Village of Deb­ert and Belmont. RCMP­ are asking that moto­rists take alternate ­routes to allow emerg­ency personnel to dea­l with this situation­.
Source: Media Release

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Argyle Street – Street Closure