With graduation ceremonies in full swing throughout Nova Scotia, the RCMP is encouraging students to plan ahead in order to celebrate safely.
To reduce the chances of a tragedy, RCMP wants youth to use the following tips:
-Be aware of your actions when operating a motor vehicle.
Do not talk or text on a cell phone while driving. Your actions can potentially endanger you, your passengers or other road users. Also, always wear your seatbelt as you travel to and from events.
– Do not drink or do drugs and drive – Impaired driving can result in serious injury or death. Never get in a vehicle if the driver has been drinking or doing drugs.
– Keep an eye out for your friends – Even if you have made responsible choices, some of your friends could feel peer pressure to do something they do not want to. Stick together to ensure everyone arrives to and departs from your destinations safely.
– Make travel plans ahead of time – Discuss your plans for the evening with your parent or guardian. Let them know who you will be with after the graduation, where you are going and how you are getting there. If you are in an uncomfortable situation, it is okay to call a parent or trusted adult and request a drive home. Take along a cell phone in the event you need to contact someone in an emergency.
The RCMP would like to congratulate the class of 2014 and wishes all students and fun and safe graduation season.
Source: Release