
RCMP recognize Road Safety Week 2014, Halifax, N.S.

May 13th-19th marks Canada Road Safety Week, a national campaign aimed at making Canada’s roads the safest in the world. In recognition of the week, the Nova Scotia RCMP will be conducting checkpoints and enforcement initiatives to promote safe driving habits.

The focus during Canada Road Safety Week will be on driving behaviors that can put drivers, passengers and other road users in danger such as impaired driving, not wearing a seat-belt, speed, and aggressive and distracted driving. Since January 2014, there have been 8 deaths related to vehicle collisions on the roads policed by RCMP in Nova Scotia.

‘Too often we see collisions on our roadways that could have been prevented,’ says Cst. Mark Skinner, Nova Scotia RCMP Traffic Services. ‘Our hope is that by taking the time to remind citizens about simple, positive driving behavior, we can ultimately save lives and reduce injuries on our roads.’

Canada Road Safety Week is sponsored by Transport Canada, endorsed by police and is part of Road Safety Strategy 2015, which has a goal of making Canada’s roads the safest in the world by 2015.

Source: Release

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