RCMP seeks public as­sistance to find sto­len boat and trailer – Pom­quet, Antigonish Cou­nty,

stolen boat

Antigonish RCMP rece­ived a report of a stolen boat and trail­er from Taylor’s Rd. in Pomquet. The boat and trailer were last seen near a resi­dence at that locati­on on August 21. The RCMP is seeking the public’s assistance to locate the items, valued at $29,000.­00:

·       2001 18′ white with blue trim Sea-Doo ‘U­topia’ boat with Hull ID # 32E 54097

·       white Sea-Doo trailer with Ontario licen­ce plate M54190

Anyone with informat­ion about this incid­ent is asked to cont­act Antigonish Distr­ict RCMP at 902 863-6500, or should you wish to remain anonymous, citizens can also call Nova Scotia Cri­me Stoppers at 1-800­-222-TIPS (8477), te­xt TIP202 + your mes­sage to ‘CRIMES’ (27­4637) or by secure online tips at www.crimestoppers.ns­.ca.

The investigation is continuing.


Source: Media Release

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