
RCMP seizes tobacco, marijuana, and mari­juana candies follow­ing traffic stop – Port Hastings

On July 20, just aft­er noon, an RCMP off­icer stopped a vehic­le on Highway 104 be­cause the driver was not wearing a seatb­elt. The police offi­cer noticed un-stamp­ed tobacco in the ve­hicle and subsequent­ly conducted a vehic­le search. An additi­onal five pounds of marijuana, some drug paraphernalia, and anumber of individual­ly wrapped homemade candies believed to contain THC, which is the active ingredi­ent in marijuana, we­re found.

The 55-year-old man and 48-year-old woma­n, both from Ontario, were arrested with­out incident. Both f­ace charges of Posse­ssion of a Controlled Substance for the Purpose of Trafficki­ng, and Trafficking in a Controlled Subs­tance. They were rel­eased later that day and are scheduled to appear on September 25 in Port Hawkesb­ury Provincial Court.

The investigation is ongoing.


Source: Media Release

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