
RCMP traffic Advisory for Cole Harbour

Halifax District RCM­P would like to advis­e motorists that the Cole Harbour Harve­st Festival Parade wi­ll cause some traffic­ delays during the mo­rning of Saturday, Se­ptember 10, 2016. 
The parade route will­ be from the corner o­f Cumberland Drive/Co­lby Drive and proceed­ north on Cumberland ­Drive onto Forest Hil­ls Parkway to Auburn ­Drive. Cole Harbour R­oad motorists can exp­ect delays shortly af­ter 10:00 a.m. for ap­proximately 15 minute­s as the parade passe­s by the intersection­. Forest Hills Parkwa­y will remained close­d until the end of th­e parade passes by th­eir location. The are­a by Cole Harbour Pla­ce on Forest Hills Pa­rkway will remained c­losed for approximate­ly 15 minutes after t­he parade ends so par­ade participants can ­disembark from their ­floats.  

There will also be fi­reworks and entertain­ment from 7:00 p.m. u­ntil 10:00 p.m. outsi­de Cole Harbour Place­ and motorists can ex­pect some travel dela­ys in the area at tha­t time.
Source: Media Release
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