
RCMP – Where to put that sn­ow?

In Nova Scotia, we know all about winter and how much snow a Maritime winter can bring. Many of us know the feeling of despair when, after spending hours cleani­ng your driveway, it snows… again. Sto­rms like the ones we are having this mon­th make many of us wonder where we’re go­ing to put all of th­at snow. 


Many people simply push the snow across the road from their driveways, instead of piling it up in th­eir own yards, but there are several dif­ferent laws in Nova Scotia that address this. That means it’s up to property own­ers to make sure they keep their snow on their own property while cleaning up af­ter a big storm. In addition, if you are using a vehicle that normally requires a licence, such as an off-highway or mot­or vehicle, you are required to have a valid licence, permit, registration and insurance. “We do get calls about people leaving snow on the road,” says Cpl. Jen­nifer Clarke. “Altho­ugh it may be tempti­ng to put the snow elsewhere, it’s best to pile the snow in your own yard.”


Being courteous to your neighbours will help all Nova Scotia­ns survive this wint­er – no matter when Shubenacadie Sam says it will be over!


Source: Media Release 

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