Reading Suggestions in your Inbox

Life is busy. It can be difficult enough to make the time to read, let alone to make time to discover new titles, new authors, or a new series. We can help.


Our NextReads newsletters provide reading suggestions of both new and older titles, across a variety of genres. You can receive the newsletters right in your email inbox, making it particularly easy for you to place your request.  A couple clicks and you can be next in line!  You can also view them online.

We currently offer the following newsletters:

  • Mystery; 
  • Romance; 
  • Thrillers and Suspense;
  •  Fiction A-to Z;
  •  History and Current Events;
  •  Biographies and Memoirs;
  • The New York Times Bestsellers lists.

It is quick and easy to register.  

Our friends at The 49th Shelf can help too. They now offer weekly email notification of new Canadian books.  This is a great service for librarians, teachers and readers advisors, but it is also great for individual readers as well.  So if you are big into reading Canadiana, head on over the the 49th Shelf site to sign up

KingFisher’s Hockey Promo Vid ! #SackvilleHigh

Learning About the “God Particle”