Hello everyone! It’s high time (Prop 19 pun very intended) that I’ve returned to my blog. I’m now gently settled into my humble abode in Toronto’s East side, and have been spending my month scouring this big city, knocking on doors, trying to get myself an agent, find gainful employment, and become rich/famous.

So, a few things…

(1) I’ve landed myself an agent as of yesterday! And an awesome one at that: Craig Alexander at Glickman Talent. Without an agent, I would be left wandering the wastelands of the entertainment industry, searching for scraps to stay alive (think: Oliver Twist). So this is a huge victory, and an essential step in the right direction for my pursuit of success here in Toronto.

(2) Last Summer’s Queer Act’s Festival hit, LOGAN AND I (starring myself and Michael McPhee) will be re-mounted once again in Halifax at the Bus Stop Theatre from December 15th to the 18th. What would the holidays be without a solid examination of sexuality, youth, and confusion rolled up into one? More info to come.

(3) And finally, I wanted to express my belated thanks to everyone involved in the 30th Annual Atlantic Film Festival. I really did have such a wonderful time. I hope you (YOU) had a chance to catch THE CORRIDOR, because I’m so happy with how it turned out. I have a good feeling about the film; so hopefully my instincts are correct and those of you who missed the screenings in Halifax will be able to catch it elsewhere.

Below: myself and my THE CORRIDOR co-star Matt Amyotte celebrating inappropriately at the AFF closing gala…

That’s all for now, folks! I’ll have more to report soon! Toronto, out.

New Afrocentric book club at Salvation Army Spryfield

Food Fight, Quinoa Salad