
Residents invited to provide input on sustainable transportation / Share your thoughts on short-term rentals

**** HRM Media Release

Residents invited to provide input on sustainable transportation

The Halifax Regional Municipality is inviting residents to provide input on the municipality’s existing sustainable transportation network.

The municipality is looking to measure the progress of the Integrated Mobility Plan (IMP), which was adopted by Regional Council in December 2017. Residents are encouraged to take the survey to provide more information on how they travel, how satisfied they are with the existing sustainable transportation network, and what motivates them to use sustainable transportation modes.

The IMP creates a vision for moving around the Halifax region and helps direct future investment in transportation demand management, transit, active transportation, and the roadway network. The plan seeks to improve the links between residents and their communities.

To complete the survey, please visit

Share your thoughts on short-term rentals

The Halifax Regional Municipality is inviting residents to provide input on short-term rentals and the impact they have on our region.

Temporary accommodation platforms such as “AirBnB” and “Home Away”, for example, have become increasingly popular over the past several years. Municipalities across the country are continuing to explore ways to monitor their use.

Residents are encouraged to take part in a survey to help inform Regional Council on any decisions related to how short-term rentals are regulated in the municipality.

The survey will be available until November 30, 2019. For more information please visit

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