
Resolutions and royalty. In other words, who knows where this post will go???

As Ally tries to survive a crazy work week & L-A gets over jet lag and back into the swing of things at school, Guest Blogger Jo stepped up to the plate with a guest post for us. A list of resolutions is the same as a Friday Favourite, non?

Guest Blogger Jo: So Facebook is all a-flutter this week, what with regular folk going back to work after the holiday and all. Me? I’m on mat leave, and this little laptop of mine is my only portal into the outside world and into the sane part of my mind. For me, a shopping trip to hideous Bayers Lake Industrial Park is like an extravagant excursion to Rodeo Drive. (sidebar: while I do believe the aforementioned BLIP is, indeed, hideous, I also not-so-secretly love it. Discuss.)

It’s exactly like this:

Only instead of carrying bags from CHANEL and Dior, mine are from Home Sense and Old Navy. And instead of stylish dress, gloves, clutch and hat, I am sporting yoga pants, mittens, a diaper bag and a toque. Stay classy, Halifax.

But I digress…

Aaahhhh… The New Year. The season of sparkle is over and the gym is overcrowded with people who won’t grace its doorstep in about another month or so. People dressed like this:


Do not mock the Leg Warmers. DO NOT.

Perhaps you spotted Lindsay Lohan at the gym?


I’ve never been a fan of resolutions. I don’t seem to keep them. Example. I once (twice? Three times a lay-deee?) vowed to keep a clever daily journal. Said journal would be filled with brilliant writing and would become instant best seller (think Bridget Jones) and I would appear on Oprah (OPRAH!).

But alas, I seldom got past three days.

Besides, what kind of resolutions would befit a fashion blog? Fashion trends I vow to avoid over the next 12 months? Those I will embrace? 2010 trends I am happy to bid adieu? Oh my Britney Spears, that is BRILLIANT. Have just talked myself into my blog post. Hoorah!

Here are a few things that I hope will GO AWAY in 2011:

Justin Bieber AND his hair


Willow Smith and “Whip my Hair”




I’m tired of Tavi. Yawn.



[I mean no disrespect to the gifted one. The girl’s got mad skills and is SO FRIGGIN’ LUCKY. Which is why I’m completely tired of her; my jealousy is exhausting…]

And here are a few things I’m pretty happy about for 2011:

Rouge coco

Emma Watson’s hair.


Saying “Whip my Hair”

we turn our back and whip our hair and just shake them off…”

AND a favourite of mine every year, is PANTONE’s colour of the year. Bet you didn’t know such a thing really existed! This year, it’s PANTONE 18-2120, AKA “honeysuckle”. And what pray tell is honeysuckle, you say?

“A dynamic reddish pink, Honeysuckle is encouraging and uplifting. It elevates our psyche beyond escape, instilling the confidence, courage and spirit to meet the exhaustive challenges that have become part of everyday life.”

And with that, I say bring on the honeysuckle. Tops, jackets, pants whatever…just bring it.

I also love the Wall Street Journal. More importantly, I love what they have to say about curves:

Women everywhere, rejoice. Your curves came in again in 2010… A new look has taken hold.”

Can I get an Amen…

I LOVE that things are generally going in a more “grown up” direction: classic lines and shapes, chic looks and fabulous fabric.

I will never tire of minis, black opaque tights, and this look overall:


But my January VOGUE promises “amazingly wearable clothes to love forever.” Instead, I find this:

Aaaaannnd, it appeared not once but twice! One of those clackers wants me to wear this in order to “transform my look”! Son of a nutcracker, I just saw it AGAIN; it’s in there THREE TIMES!!!

Kane’s SS11 collection was informed by the designer’s muse, Princess Margaret. Kane described the Princess as “super-sophisticated”. According to, “his sister Tammy nailed the essence of the latest Kane collection as ‘Princess Margaret on acid.’ “

Princess Margaret? On acid? First off, the mention of Princess Margaret for me only conjures the following:


What. I’m from Fredericton, home of the Princess Margaret Bridge. A bridge that is a notorious inconvenience to the traffic patterns of this fair city, and where the lady’s name is part of everyday vernacular.

The next image that comes to mind is this:

That’s right, old royals wearing big hats, gigantic shoulder pads, and lots and lots of pearls.

So I ask myself, how in the name of Britney Spears could Princess Margaret be anyone’s muse??

But further research googling yielded surprising results. As it turns out, old PM was actually quite fetching!


Very Breakfast at Tiffany’s, non?

If I were to ever wear a tiara, it would be PM’s. Lovely. Stunning. Known as the Poltimore tiara, PM wore it for her wedding in 1960, and it sold in 2006 for £926,400. Pffftt…

It appears that she may have been, in the immortal words of Hugh Grant in Love Actually, a bit of a “saucy minx”. Muse, indeed. And apparently not the first time: she has also inspired the likes of Vivienne Westwood and Christopher Bailey for Burberry

ALL of this to say that I HATE THAT JACKET. So much. The colour. The fabric (is that plastic??). The cut. It’s all very, VERY wrong. And while Margaret may have been a glamorous muse in her day, it appears that Christopher Kane is not channeling Breakfast at Tiffany’s Margaret, he is channeling this one:

A far cry from this:

So apparently everyone in the world has known about PM’s sartorial influence and status as fashion icon except me. Bollocks.

And I would be lying if I said I wasn’t looking forward to 2011’s royal nuptials. The 13-year-old girl inside me is dying, DYING, to see how this goes down. And a whole new generation of girls once again covets the most famous ring in the world, and starts to believe in Disney princess crap. Blech. So who’s hosting the watch-the-royal-wedding party?

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